Friday, March 27, 2009

Let me be DJ!

So I'm loving my own personal, shareable version of Pandora. I love seeing what friends are listening to. It's like a music junkie's version of the crack that is Twitter.

Follow my Blips here:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Quotable quotes

"To be a writer is to be a shuttlecock in a badminton game, one racquet of which is naive optimism and the other a cynical despair."

- John Jerome, The Writing Trade

Well, Jerome, don't you just speak the truth. And I hope, Jerome, you don't mind me calling you by your surname... it's so much more intriguing than John.

On another note, the twelve-year-old inside me just giggled at the word "shuttlecock". You totally don't get to see that one often enough.

Monday, March 2, 2009



"Not all those who wander are lost."
- Tolkien

Those words make me want to high-five a dead man.

I also would like to give a hand-slap of approval to whichever wise soul wrote this in my MFA book:

A detour on your bus route is at first a delay and a tedium, but it also brings the freshness of different streets, and whatever streets are taken, you know that the destination is still the same. In any digression, the writer has an eye on the narrative arc of the piece and the through-line of the theme, keeping an eye out along the way for extra, subsidiary meaning that may become apparent in diversion so that the whole forward movement may become stronger.

On my own note,
I've realized a correlation between the things I've really started to cling to in my life: writing, running, and my ever-burning desire to travel anywhere I can (never wanting to be idle). While they're all simple ways of getting from point A to point B, when you take the time to diverge off the most direct route or go a bit longer than you planned to, that's when you get the good stuff. That's when you learn the most about what you are capable of. And that's what I'm coming to understand gives me the most pleasure out of the seemingly simple, the technically mindless tasks. It doesn't take much skill to keep running, to write, to exist in a foreign place -- the directions are inherent. Anyone is able to call themselves a writer, a runner, a traveler. You just do it. Yet, no one really gets lost in them... And that's what I've found to really make all of these things worthwhile. The more I wander, the more I enjoy my results. It's what makes any of it worthwhile to me. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is waiting at the finish line.

I mean, don't get me wrong, just because I agree with Tolkien, doesn't mean I'm gonna nerd out with the Hobbit... I just think that simple wisdom is something people don't do enough of these days. Me included.

Meanwhile, I'm gonna go counterbalance all this heady life talk with some VH1 Rock of Love reruns.