Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

Raw, uncensored, and uncut

Find the full-length master copy of my infamous Kodak billboard on Dustin's blog:


Ch'ch'check it out.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Shaving Seconds Off My 15-Minutes-o-Fame Clock

So this is pretty cool:

My good friend Dustin Copeland (Hi, Dustin) works for Ogilvy NY on the Kodak account. I was up there in November doing a little job-hunting, enjoying the usual Manhattan merriment, and was able to be in a shoot for their account. My friends and I went into it pretty unassumingly and more than a little hungover from an awesome Bishop Allen concert the night before. But we managed to make it through the freezing temps and into the final cut for their digital billboard -- prominently featured in illustrious Times Square.

I know it's kind of hard to see, but in the top right hand corner, that's me in the yellow scarf and red top laughing in a candid (more like completely posed) fashion. Apparently there are a few more of my friends and I included in this giant slideshow, but I'll have to get up there to document it better myself.

I'm taking this as a 'sign' (har har) that New York is calling me to move there, be a part of it all, and as the tagline reads, "Make Something" out of myself.

Here's to the next 365...

Happy '09 y'all.

Very un-Victoria

This is an ad that's been out there for Victoria Beckham's new dress collection.

I kind of love that, while the ad is obviously fashion-centric, its concept is pretty freakin' cute. You completely forget the celebrity behind the label or even the typically untouchable models on display. It's refreshing, whimsical, endearing, and playful....
In other words, Very un-Victoria.

(It also kind of makes me think I'd like to hang out with her. Hey Posh, wanna be besties who play hide and seek together, share clothes and the occasional husband?)

If this doesn't make you smile, we probably wouldn't get along.

Do you think this A+ assignment got a place on the fridge?