Friday, January 2, 2009

Shaving Seconds Off My 15-Minutes-o-Fame Clock

So this is pretty cool:

My good friend Dustin Copeland (Hi, Dustin) works for Ogilvy NY on the Kodak account. I was up there in November doing a little job-hunting, enjoying the usual Manhattan merriment, and was able to be in a shoot for their account. My friends and I went into it pretty unassumingly and more than a little hungover from an awesome Bishop Allen concert the night before. But we managed to make it through the freezing temps and into the final cut for their digital billboard -- prominently featured in illustrious Times Square.

I know it's kind of hard to see, but in the top right hand corner, that's me in the yellow scarf and red top laughing in a candid (more like completely posed) fashion. Apparently there are a few more of my friends and I included in this giant slideshow, but I'll have to get up there to document it better myself.

I'm taking this as a 'sign' (har har) that New York is calling me to move there, be a part of it all, and as the tagline reads, "Make Something" out of myself.

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